Get ready to dive into some of the best temperate diving waters in the world! The cold, clear ocean water around Nanaimo makes it an unbeatable destination for scuba diving and snorkeling thanks to the variety of sea life that flourishes here.
Divers can explore three fascinating wreck dives in Nanaimo. The HMCS Saskatchewan, a 366ft Navy Destroyer that was sunk to create an artificial reef in 1997. This site is now teeming with sea life including reef plants, fish and octopus. The HMCS Cape Breton is recognized as the world’s largest artificial upright reef making it a truly unique experience in the diving world.
Most recently, in 2005 the RivTow Lion was sunk in Departure Bay. Its manageable 50ft depth makes it a great place for beginner divers to get experience.
In addition to these artificial reefs, there are many spots where natural reefs, islands and rock walls can be explored. Nanaimo’s dive outfitters offer training, equipment and guided tours.