Luminous Paths: Nanaimo’s 150th and Beyond
The City of Nanaimo invites you to join us for Luminous Paths: Nanaimo’s 150 & Beyond, a winter artfestival that is a celebration of light, art, land, and community. Temporary art installations will illuminatepublic space, transforming a once familiar environment into something new, a place-making experiencethat ignites imagination, inspiring hope and excitement for the future of our community. The festival will open with an event on January 22, 2025, in Maffeo Sutton Park, with live performances,and involvement of local community groups to mark the date of the first Council meeting 150 years agofor the newly incorporated City of Nanaimo. Temporary art installations will be on display in identifiedpublic spaces, encouraging visitors to explore park and community spaces. Musicians and performerswill be engaged in performances over the course of the evening at locations corresponding withtemporary art installations. The central event space in a local waterfront park (Maffeo Sutton Park), willinclude interactive booths, food trucks, City of Nanaimo 150 merchandise, children’s activities, andadditional educational and promotional material. The HMCS Nanaimo plans to visit Nanaimo for severaldays at the beginning of the festival. Culture Staff and the Port of Nanaimo are working together toarrange berth for the vessel. The HMCS Nanaimo intends to offer focused outreach for visitors to viewthe vessel throughout the first weekend of the event. Artists and cultural community partners will further be highlighted through various public engagementopportunities through the course of the festival, such as artist talks, tours, and educational workshopshosted within a variety of cultural spaces. Temporary public art projects will remain available for viewing until the festival closing event onFebruary 17th (Family Day). The final event will focus on engaging families and youth, withperformances by child-friendly acts and take place in one centralized location (Maffeo Sutton Park). Illuminated Art Installations by Artists: